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Code of Conduct

Section 4: Disciplinary Measures


The coordination team, in coordination with Silba’s EOM Coordinator or any relevant members of the main board of Silba, reserves the right to give out informal warnings, formal warnings and the right to expulse a member from the mission, if he or she is in violation of this Code of Conduct. Furthermore, the coordination team has the right to expel a participant directly and without coordinating this matter with the aforementioned board members if his or her behaviour endangers the safety or security of the mission, a participant, or local population.


A informal warning is defined as a warning, given in verbal and written form that shall not be entered into Silba’s records. The informal warning should state that the behaviour of a participant is in breach of the Code of Conduct and which articles have been breached. This warning shall be given by at least two members of the coordination team, to avoid any possible confusion, inconsistency or bias of information. The informal warning is typically given for mild offences.


A formal warning is defined as a warning, given verbally and in written form that shall be entered into Silba’s records and has consequences for future participation in a Silba EOM. The formal warning should state that the behaviour of a participant is in breach of the Code of Conduct, which articles he or she has breached and why this behaviour calls for the issuing of a formal warning. This warning shall be given by at least two members of the coordination team, to avoid any possible confusion, inconsistency or bias of information. The formal warning is typically given for more serious breaches of the Code of Conduct or repeated improper behaviour.


Expulsion from the mission includes the confiscation of the participants’ accreditation, exclusion from the mission programme, and expulsion from the mission accommodation. A decision to expulse a participant should be taken in coordination with the EOM Coordinator or the main board of Silba, unless it is abundantly clear that the participants’ behaviour calls for expulsion. Furthermore, the participant in question has the right to receive written information containing the following:

  1. Type of improper that has led to the disciplinary measure, including which articles of the Code of Conduct have been breached. 

  2. The date, time and place of the occurrences. 

  3. The reason for choosing the disciplinary measure used.

  4. Supporting documents if possible (for example, e-mails or other correspondence).


Any participant who becomes subject to disciplinary measures may appeal the decision to hand out a written warning or the decision to expulse the participant to the main board of Silba.


If a participant has become the subject of expulsion or a written warning, the main board of Silba reserves the right to be informed.


© 2024 by Silba - Initiative for Dialogue and Democracy ​

Eriksvej 46, 2, 22
4000 Roskilde

CVR: 19155749

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