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What is General Assembly?

General Assembly is a formal meeting, otherwise referred to as an assembly of the members of Silba. This is a key decision-making and governance body of our organisation, responsible for electing our Main Board, amending Articles of Association, which outlines the structure and rules of decision-making in the organisation, and hearing the reports from the board on activities and achievements throughout the year. It is a great forum for members to suggest initiatives, voice concerns, and provide input on the future of Silba,

Practical Information

IMPORTANT: in order to participate in the General Assembly, you have to register here: 
Ticket to participate costs 75DKK, and includes all food and refreshments, plus reimbursement of your travel expenses. 

We hope you join us on the 18th of November. If you are curious about the programme and other practical information (including rules of reimbursement), you can find these documents here:


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