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Silba's EOM to BiH

Where: Bosnia & Herzegovina

When: 27th September - 4th October 2022


Silba is sending a team of 40 young observers for the upcoming general election to BiH, which will be held on 2 October. We are sending observers to Sarajevo, Mostar and Banja Luka. 


The mission will deploy on 27 September, and will have two training days on 28 and 29 September. On 30 September, the teams leave for the regions and on 1 October they will meet with their translators and do some further research on their AoO. On 2 October they will observe the election and return back on 3 October for a debrief. 


The mission team will then write an EOM final report. 


In addition to this, the EOM in partnership with Platform for Peace and Humanity will be writing two further reports; 


1. A Youth Engagement Attitudinal Survey

2. A Social Media Election Narrative Assessment Report 



The core team is made up of: 



Luke James - Head of Mission

Hannibal Vad - Financial Coordinator

Emma Klitnæs - Press Coordinator

Tarik Deljkovic - Sarejevo
Stina Bergman - Mostar
Nick Catt - Banja Luka

About the EOM

Please note that the EOM is voluntary and does not take any side in the elections.

Locations: Sarajevo, Mostar, & Banja Luka

To apply, please provide us with the following information:

  1. Your name and surname

  2. Your place of living

  3. Your phone number

  4. Your email address

  5. The order of preference of the location to be posted in for the observation

  6. If you have a driver's license and confortable with driving in the country

  7. If you have any food restrictions

  8. A short motivational letter and your CV

How to Apply?

Send us an email at with the information displayed above, with the subject "Observers EOM Bosnia & Herzegovina"


Form (Coming Soon)

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash


© 2024 by Silba - Initiative for Dialogue and Democracy ​

Eriksvej 46, 2, 22
4000 Roskilde

CVR: 19155749

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